- Pause/Play开关无效 Pause/Play Switch Inoperative
- pause--输入p或pause Pause - enter p or pause
- pause -- 输入 p 或 pause Pause - enter p or pause
- 8带PAUSE功能,方便使用分机的用户。 8Th, brings the PAUSE function, facilitates uses the extension telephone the user.
- No Pause -- 输入 n 或 no pause(缺省值=no pause) No Pause - enter n or no pause (Default=no pause)
- you?你怎么啦? What's the matter with
- Want Pause -- 指示是否会有一个暂停。 Want Pause-indicates if there is to be a pause.
- i owe you I. O. U.
- No Pause -- 输入 n 或 no pause(缺省值=no pause) No Pause - enter n or no pause (Default=no pause)
- 如果我初次同某人见面,我讲“how do you do”合适吗? Is it appropriate to say "how do you do" if I meet someone for the first time ?
- 如果你遇到这样的场合,人们会说"Can you lend a hand?" And if you have a situation like that, everyone always says "Can you lend a hand?"
- thou是you古体形式。 Thou is an archaic form of you.
- 标准的问好和回答都是“How do you do”,礼节也就到此为止了。 The standard greeting " How do you do" and the reply " How do you do" signal the end of the ritual.
- Could you give me some ideas? 我的卧室需要些什么家具呢? What furnishings would I need in my bedroom?
- you的所有格形式;abbr:yr。 The possessive form of you;abbr: yr.
- 文章深入分析了IEEE标准802.3x定义的应用于数据链路层的PAUSE流量控制机制,并针对千兆位以太网对PAUSE流量控制机制的缓冲区需求及对称性进行了研究。 This paper deeply study the PAUSE flow control which is used in data link layer and is designed by IEEE, the buffers need and symmetry in gigabit ethemet of PAUSE flow control is analyzed in this paper too.
- 我们队准保胜利 。You can be sure that our team will win.
- 什么时候说“See you”才得体? When is it appropriate to say,"See you"?
- “Thou”是“you”的古体。 Thou is an archaic form of you
- I,you,he,she,it,we和they都是代词。 'I','you','he','she','it','we',and 'they'are pronouns.